The Negativity

Real Values versus The Negativity

Real Values versus The Negativity Real numbers only has assertive and straight forward values. When we talk of negative numbers, the figures might work in different way in any calculation. It is well known 10^-xx… gives the precision (rational) values i.e., it is denoted in any common scientific values so called as Scientific Notation – […]


An individual ATOM - (each smallest entities), can act as median to one another

However [–To be wirtten–] When it hops across [–To be wirtten–] References [–To be wirtten–]

f(x,y) – It is clearly hypothetical

Function of f(z)=f(x,y) is clearly hypotheitcal when we talk scentifically and even mathematically

However It gives better abstraction for 3D objects that people call it `real dimension`

Three random points – Triangle & Circle

Properties of triangle & circle

Introduction When you drop three random points, all of you know that – if the third point is not on the same line with other two points, then we can draw a triangle connecting those three points. And few of you well aware that a circle can be formed touching edges of the triangle all […]

Four random points – Sphere

Introduction When the first & second random points are dropped then we can draw a line. Even if the both points are dropped on the same location it can be considered that it can form a smaller line atleast. And when the third point is dropped and when it is not on the same line […]

Understanding the Fundamental Particles

[--UnderConstruction--]Particles are referred as Fermions by Scientists. And Forces are referred as Boson.

Fermions categorized into two types
1) Leptons – Basically whatever comes around the Atom nuclei. Say electron, pion, muon, tauon, neutrino. Altogether it forms the Magnetic Flux.
2) Quarks – This particles constitute the Atom nuclei. The fundamental particles Proton, Neutrons which make the Atom Nuclei are made up of these.

Bosons are categorized into two types
1) Gauged Boson or Elementary Bosons, which has mass on it. Say Photon, Gloun, W & Z Bosons
2) Higgs Boson, it is nothing but the field, which allows the electro-magnetic spectrum to propagate.


Prior to see aging mechanism understand this

Carbon is of kind – gas, however

What is Physics and Chemistry?

Physics vs Chemistry

1) what is Chemistry? With respect to physics, understanding it in very abstract level upto what the state and it’s reaction can be captured in proper metrics, which helps to understand kind of reaction in all physical existence. Applicability of physical properties/principles of the reaction could be much complicated, may not be measured at all, […]